A brief summary:
Bible: We believe that the Bible is the very Word of God, breathed out to His creation through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit through varying people at varying times in varying cultures. The Bible contains the whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for the glory of God and man’s salvation, faith, and life.
God: We believe that there is only one, living and true God. He is infinite in being and perfection. He has all life, goodness, and blessedness in and of himself. Within the unity of the Godhead there are three persons of equal substance, power, and eternity. They are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He was born of a virgin and took on human flesh. He is fully God and fully man. He came not to condemn the world but to save it through his life, death, and resurrection. He is the mediator between God and man. He is our prophet, priest, king, and the head of the church. He now sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us, waiting to return.
Sin: We believe that man was made in the image of God but failed to follow his law, bringing a terrible curse into the world. Now every person in the world falls short of the glory of God and deserves death. From birth we do not love God; instead we pursue our own desires, though we never feel satisfied. We need someone to save us, to restore our relationship with our creator, and to bless our lives.
Salvation: We believe that even while we were God’s enemies, it pleased Him to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring us the free gift of eternal life. And this is eternal life: to know the one, true God, who loves us more than we could imagine. Jesus took upon himself the death we deserved, and he obeyed every law of God that we have failed to keep. Through him we receive both forgiveness for our wrongs and favor in the eyes of God. All we must do to receive this gift is repent and believe in Jesus.
Sacraments: We believe that God has not left us without a means to encourage and grow our faith. He gave us holy signs and seals to represent Christ and all His benefits. These signs and seals are called sacraments, and there are two of them: Baptism where the washing away of sin is pictured through the water, and The Lord’s Supper where the sacrifice of Christ is pictured through the bread and the wine.
Trinity Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. We subscribe to the historic Christian faith as taught in the Old and New Testaments and expressed in the following creeds, confessions, and catechisms:
Westminster Confession of Faith